- class qhdopt.qhd.QHD(func: Function, syms: List[Symbol], bounds: Tuple | List | None = None)¶
Provides functionality to run Quantum Hamiltonian Gradient Descent as introduced by https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.01471.pdf
A user should initialize QHD through the use of the functions: QHD.QP and QHD.Sympy
- classmethod QP(Q: List[List[float]], b: List[float], bounds: Tuple | List | None = None) QHD ¶
Initialize QHD with a quadratic programming format
- Parameters:
Q -- Quadratic matrix
b -- Linear vector
bounds -- Bounds of the function
- Returns:
An instance of QHD
- Return type:
- classmethod SymPy(func: Function, syms: List[Symbol], bounds: Tuple | List | None = None) QHD ¶
Initialize QHD with a sympy function and its symbols
- Parameters:
func -- Sympy function
syms -- List of symbols
bounds -- Bounds of the function
- Returns:
An instance of QHD
- Return type:
- affine_mapping(minimizer: ndarray, minimum: float, samples: List[ndarray]) Tuple[ndarray, float, List[ndarray]] ¶
Maps the minimizer and samples from the normalized space to the original space.
- Parameters:
minimizer -- The minimizer in the normalized space.
minimum -- The minimum value of the function.
samples -- The samples in the normalized space.
- Returns:
Tuple of the minimizer, minimum, and samples in the original space.
- affine_transformation(x: ndarray) ndarray ¶
Applies an affine transformation to the input array.
- Parameters:
x -- The input array to be transformed.
- Returns:
Transformed array according to the defined scaling factor and lower bounds.
- baseline_setup(shots: int = 100, post_processing_method: str = 'TNC')¶
Sets up the baseline configuration for classical optimization comparison.
- Parameters:
shots -- The number of solution samples to generate.
post_processing_method -- The classical optimization algorithm to use.
- classical_optimizer_helper(samples: List[ndarray], bounds: Bounds, solver: str, f: Callable) Tuple[List[ndarray], ndarray, float, float] ¶
Helper function to optimize a given function classically over a set of samples and within specified bounds.
- Parameters:
samples -- Initial samples for the optimization.
bounds -- Bounds within which the optimization is to be performed.
solver -- The optimization method
f -- The function to be optimized
- Returns:
Tuple of samples, minimizer, minimum, and post-processing time
- classically_optimize(verbose=0, initial_guess=None, num_shots=100, solver='IPOPT') Response ¶
Optimizes a given function classically over a set of samples and within specified bounds.
- Parameters:
samples -- Initial samples for the optimization.
bounds -- Bounds within which the optimization is to be performed.
solver -- The optimization method
- Returns:
Response object containing samples, minimum, minimizer, and other info
- dwave_setup(resolution: int, shots: int = 100, api_key: str | None = None, api_key_from_file: str | None = None, embedding_scheme: str = 'unary', anneal_schedule: List[List[int]] | None = None, penalty_coefficient: float = 0, penalty_ratio: float = 0.75, chain_strength_ratio: float = 1.05, post_processing_method: str = 'TNC')¶
Configures the settings for quantum optimization using D-Wave systems.
- Parameters:
resolution -- The number of bits representing each variable.
shots -- The number of times the quantum device runs to find the solution.
api_key -- Direct API key for connecting to D-Wave's cloud service.
api_key_from_file -- Path to a file containing the D-Wave API key.
embedding_scheme -- Method used for mapping logical variables to physical qubits.
anneal_schedule -- Custom annealing schedule for quantum annealing.
penalty_coefficient -- Coefficient used to enforce constraints in the quantum model.
penalty_ratio -- Ratio used to calculate penalty coefficients.
post_processing_method -- Classical optimization method used after quantum sampling.
chain_strength_ratio -- Ratio of strength of chains in embedding.
- fun_eval(x: ndarray)¶
function evaluation when x is in the original box (non-normalized)
- generate_affined_func() Tuple[Function, List[Symbol]] ¶
Internal method for generating a new Sympy function with an affine transformation which calculated from the bounds property inputted from the user
- generate_guess_in_box(shots: int = 1) List[ndarray] ¶
Generates initial guesses within the defined bounds. By default, generate a sample with a single guess (shots = 1)
- Parameters:
shots -- Number of guesses to generate.
- Returns:
A list containing the generated guesses.
- get_solution(var=None)¶
var can be - None (return all values) - a Symbol (return the value of the symbol) - a list of Symbols (return a list of the values of the symbols)
- ionq_setup(resolution: int, shots: int = 100, api_key: str | None = None, api_key_from_file: str | None = None, embedding_scheme: str = 'onehot', penalty_coefficient: float = 0, time_discretization: int = 10, gamma: float = 5, post_processing_method: str = 'TNC', on_simulator: bool = False)¶
Configures the settings for running QHD using IonQ systems.
- Parameters:
resolution -- The resolution of the quantum representation.
shots -- Number of measurements to perform on the quantum state.
api_key -- API key for accessing IonQ's quantum computing service.
api_key_from_file -- Path to file containing the API key for IonQ.
embedding_scheme -- Strategy for encoding problem variables into quantum states.
penalty_coefficient -- Multiplier for penalty terms in the quantum formulation.
time_discretization -- Number of time steps for simulating quantum evolution.
gamma -- Scaling factor for the quantum evolution's time discretization.
post_processing_method -- Algorithm for refining quantum results classically.
on_simulator -- Flag to indicate if the quantum simulation should run on a simulator.
- optimize(refine: bool = True, verbose: int = 0) Response ¶
User-facing function to run QHD on the optimization problem
- Parameters:
refine -- Flag to indicate if fine-tuning should be performed.
compile_only -- Flag to indicate if only the compilation should be performed.
verbose -- Verbosity level (0, 1, 2 for increasing detail).
- Returns:
Response object containing samples, minimum, minimizer, and other info
- post_process() Tuple[ndarray, float, float] ¶
Private function to post-process the QHD samples returned from a quantum backend.
- Returns:
Tuple of minimizer, minimum, and post-processing time
- qutip_setup(resolution: int, shots: int = 100, embedding_scheme: str = 'onehot', penalty_coefficient: float = 0, time_discretization: int = 10, gamma: float = 5, post_processing_method: str = 'TNC')¶
Configures the settings for quantum simulation of QHD using QuTiP.
- Parameters:
resolution -- The resolution for encoding variables into quantum states.
shots -- Number of repetitions for the quantum state measurement.
embedding_scheme -- Encoding strategy for representing problem variables.
penalty_coefficient -- Coefficient for penalties in the quantum problem formulation.
time_discretization -- Number of intervals for the quantum evolution simulation.
gamma -- Parameter controlling the strength of the quantum system evolution.
post_processing_method -- Classical method used for post-processing quantum results.
- validate_guess_in_box(guesses: List[ndarray]) None ¶
Validates if the provided guesses are within the bounds.
- Parameters:
guesses -- List of guesses to validate.
- class qhdopt.qhd_base.QHD_Base(func: Function, syms: List[Symbol], info: Dict[str, int | float | str])¶
Provides functionality to run Quantum Hamiltonian Gradient Descent as introduced by https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.01471.pdf
A user should initialize QHD through the use of the functions: QHD_Base.QP and QHD_Base_Sympy
- baseline_setup(shots: int = 100) None ¶
Sets up a classical baseline backend.
- Parameters:
shots -- Number of sampling shots for baseline method.
- dwave_setup(resolution: int, shots: int = 100, api_key: str | None = None, api_key_from_file: str | None = None, embedding_scheme: str = 'unary', anneal_schedule: List[List[int]] | None = None, penalty_coefficient: float = 0, penalty_ratio: float = 0.75, chain_strength_ratio: float = 1.05) None ¶
Sets up the D-Wave backend for quantum optimization.
- Parameters:
resolution -- Resolution for discretizing variable space.
shots -- Number of sampling shots for the D-Wave device.
api_key -- API key for accessing D-Wave services.
api_key_from_file -- Path to a file containing the API key.
embedding_scheme -- Embedding scheme for problem mapping.
anneal_schedule -- Custom annealing schedule.
penalty_coefficient -- Coefficient for penalty terms.
penalty_ratio -- Ratio of penalty terms in the objective function.
chain_strength_ratio -- Ratio of strength of chains in embedding.
- ionq_setup(resolution: int, shots: int = 100, api_key: str | None = None, api_key_from_file: str | None = None, embedding_scheme: str = 'onehot', penalty_coefficient: float = 0, time_discretization: int = 10, gamma: float = 5, on_simulator: bool = False) None ¶
Sets up the IonQ backend for quantum optimization.
- Parameters:
resolution -- Resolution for discretizing variable space.
shots -- Number of sampling shots for the IonQ device.
api_key -- API key for accessing IonQ services.
api_key_from_file -- Path to a file containing the API key.
embedding_scheme -- Embedding scheme for problem mapping.
penalty_coefficient -- Coefficient for penalty terms.
time_discretization -- Number of time steps for discretization.
gamma -- Coefficient for transverse field in quantum annealing.
on_simulator -- Flag to run on simulator instead of actual device.
- optimize(verbose: int = 0) Response | None ¶
Executes the optimization process.
- Parameters:
verbose -- Verbosity level (0, 1, 2 for increasing detail).
- Returns:
An instance of Response containing optimization results, None if compile_only is True.
- qutip_setup(resolution: int, shots: int = 100, embedding_scheme: str = 'onehot', penalty_coefficient: float = 0, time_discretization: int = 10, gamma: float = 5) None ¶
Sets up the QuTiP backend for quantum simulation.
- Parameters:
resolution -- Resolution for discretizing variable space.
shots -- Number of simulation shots.
embedding_scheme -- Embedding scheme for problem mapping.
penalty_coefficient -- Coefficient for penalty terms.
time_discretization -- Number of time steps for discretization.
gamma -- Coefficient for transverse field in quantum annealing.
- class qhdopt.backend.backend.Backend(resolution, dimension, shots, embedding_scheme, univariate_dict, bivariate_dict)¶
Abstract backend class which defines common functions for all backends and an abstract function: exec which each backend needs to implement.
- H_p(qubits: List[Qubit], univariate_dict: dict, bivariate_dict: dict) TIHamiltonian ¶
Generates the problem hamiltonian, as defined in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.01471.pdf (F.24) for the hamming embedding, and modified for the unary and one-hot embedding in ways that can be found in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2401.08550.pdf.
- Parameters:
qubits -- List of qubits
univariate_dict -- Dictionary of univariate terms
bivariate_dict -- Dictionary of bivariate terms
- Returns:
Problem Hamiltonian
- Return type:
- H_pen(qubits: List[Qubit]) TIHamiltonian ¶
Generates the penalty hamiltonian across all dimensions of the problem uses unary_penalty as a key subroutine.
- Parameters:
qubits -- List of qubits
- Returns:
Penalty Hamiltonian
- Return type:
- S_x(qubits: List[Qubit]) TIHamiltonian ¶
Generates the hamiltonian S_x hamiltonian as defined in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.01471.pdf equation (F.38)
- Parameters:
qubits -- List of qubits
- Returns:
S_x Hamiltonian
- Return type:
- compile(info)¶
Compiles the problem description into a format that the backend can run.
- Parameters:
info -- Dictionary to store information about the compilation
- decoder(raw_samples: List[int], f_eval: Callable) Tuple[ndarray, int, List[ndarray]] ¶
decodes the raw samples returned from the backend into samples which are the form (a_1, a_2,...,a_d) where d is the dimension of the problem and a_j is a number between 0 and 1.
- Parameters:
raw_samples -- List of raw samples
f_eval -- Function to evaluate the samples
- Returns:
minimizer, minimum, qhd_samples
- Return type:
- abstract exec(verbose: int, info: dict)¶
Executes the quantum backend to run QHD
- Parameters:
verbose -- Verbosity level
info -- Dictionary to store information about the execution
- unary_penalty(k: int, qubits: List[Qubit])¶
Generates the unary penalty hamiltonian on the kth sub-system as defined in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2401.08550.pdf
- class qhdopt.backend.dwave_backend.DWaveBackend(resolution, dimension, univariate_dict, bivariate_dict, shots=100, api_key=None, api_key_from_file=None, embedding_scheme='unary', anneal_schedule=None, penalty_coefficient=0, penalty_ratio=0.75, chain_strength_ratio=1.05)¶
Backend implementation for Dwave. Find more information about Dwave's backend here: https://docs.dwavesys.com/docs/latest/c_gs_2.html
- calc_h_and_J() Tuple[List, dict] ¶
Function for debugging to provide h and J which uniquely specify the problem hamiltonian
- Returns:
List of h values J: Dictionary of J values
- Return type:
- calc_penalty_coefficient_and_chain_strength() Tuple[float, float] ¶
Calculates the penalty coefficient and chain strength using self.penalty_ratio.
- compile(info)¶
Compiles the problem description into a format that the backend can run.
- Parameters:
info -- Dictionary to store information about the compilation
- exec(verbose: int, info: dict, compile_only=False) List[List[int]] ¶
Execute the Dwave quantum backend using the problem description specified in self.univariate_dict and self.bivariate_dict. It uses self.H_p to generate the problem hamiltonian and then uses Simuq's DwaveProvider to run the evolution on Dwave.
- Parameters:
verbose -- Verbosity level.
info -- Dictionary to store information about the execution.
compile_only -- If True, the function only compiles the problem and does not run it.
- Returns:
A list of raw samples from the Dwave backend.
- Return type: