
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. nonsmooth_qhd.png
    Quantum Hamiltonian Descent for Non-smooth Optimization
    Jiaqi Leng ,  Yufan Zheng ,  Zhiyuan Jia , and 4 more authors
    Preprint, 2025


  1. schrodinger_complexity.png
    On the computational complexity of Schrödinger operators
    Yufan Zheng ,  Jiaqi Leng ,  Yizhou Liu , and 1 more author
    QIP 2025, 2024
  2. diff_lqr.png
    Differentiable quantum computing for large-scale linear control
    Connor Clayton ,  Jiaqi Leng ,  Gengzhi Yang , and 3 more authors
    NeurIPS, 2024
  3. qhdopt.png
    QHDOPT: A software for nonlinear optimization with quantum Hamiltonian decent
    Samuel Kushnir ,  Jiaqi Leng ,  Yuxiang Peng , and 2 more authors
    INFORMS Journal on Computing (IJOC), 2024
  4. embedding.png
    Expanding hardware-efficiently manipulable Hilbert space via Hamiltonian embedding
    Jiaqi Leng ,  Joseph Li ,  Yuxiang Peng , and 1 more author
    Preprint (under review), 2024


  1. qcpm.png
    A quantum central path algorithm for linear optimization
    Brandon Augustino ,  Jiaqi Leng ,  Giacomo Nannicini , and 2 more authors
    QIP 2025, 2023
  2. qhd_nonconvex.png
    A quantum-classical performance separation in nonconvex optimization
    Jiaqi Leng ,  Yufan Zheng ,  and  Xiaodi Wu
    Preprint, 2023
  3. qhd.png
    Quantum Hamiltonian Descent
    Jiaqi Leng ,  Ethan Hickman ,  Joseph Li , and 1 more author
    Preprint, 2023


  1. diff_analog.png
    Differentiable analog quantum computing for optimization and control
    Jiaqi Leng ,  Yuxiang Peng ,  Yi-Ling Qiao , and 2 more authors
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2022
  2. Quantum
    Quantum simulation of real-space dynamics
    Andrew M Childs ,  Jiaqi Leng ,  Tongyang Li , and 2 more authors
    Quantum, 2022


  1. esc_saddle.png
    Quantum algorithms for escaping from saddle points
    Chenyi Zhang ,  Jiaqi Leng ,  and  Tongyang Li
    Quantum, 2021